Things have started to pick up. By "pick up" I mean I don't just sit around looking forward to perusing the drugstore shelves and waiting in anticipation for my favorite show to come on.
First, I recently began working at Lululemon Athletica at the mall, and today, I learned the Cash Register. Ever since I can remember, I've had an infatuation with registers and office supplies. I'm talking memo pads. So to say this was my major highlight of this year to date would be an understatement.
Second, a major part (and perk) of working at Lulu is attending classes at any local gym in the area. Rough right? A few days ago, I attended the "Skinny Jeans Workout." (Translation; Abs, legs, and arms and trying not to laugh while staring at yourself in the mirror) Today I went to my first Crossfit class. My arms and legs were shaking so badly that it was a bumpy ride home with a stick shift car.
And third, my sister is getting MARRIED in two months and my other sister is PREGNANT and due a month after the wedding. Very exciting. Although both of these are not in the least about me, I am honored for the title MOH (maid of honor, not to be confused with matron of honor), Aunt (two times over), (to-be)sister-in-law, and babysitter (for my niece and nephew...when he is born) I am thrilled to be apart of these huge life changes for my sisters and look forward with an open mind and a prayerful spirit to what that next major experience or circumstance will be in mine. In the meantime, my titles as cash register guru, workout class attendee, museum volunteer (or docent), friend, sister, brother (as my own brother sometimes refers to me..thanks Isaac) and daughter suit me just fine.
My sisters and I in New York City