Today is a bit of a "How-to" combined with a "This-is-how-it-is." I would like to discuss the concept of Office Talk. This subject matter is merely a culmination of observations during my stint as Receptionist (which hopefully won't be forever). Sitting at the front desk is a special job. Please see below as I have laid out the most common greeting-answer combination and conversation points you will hear at my office specifcally....all day long.
These two lists will not only prepare you for what to expect while working in the office setting, but also give you a list of topics to cover (and cover again) while passing the same people all day every day within the confines of Work.
*Please note, this list is not exhaustive nor is it the case for all "office settings," for example, the NFL. You probably won't find the coaches or players discussing when they can leave or discussing where the best coffee is in their facility.
Morning greeting: "Good Morning! How are you? (Or a variation)
1. "I would be better with a larger cup of coffee"
2. "I'm tired"
3. "I'd like the sun to come out"
4. "Traffic was a B**ch this morning"
5. "Good for a Monday".
6. "It's Tuesday"
7. "It's Wednesday"
8. "It's Thursday"
9. "So glad it's FRIDAY!"
10. "I'm doing well!"
Conversation points:
1. The Weather
2. The "wife and kids" or just "kids"
(oddly enough, not many business women talk about their husbands)
3. Which floor has the best coffee
4. FedEx shipments
5. Time (normally in regards to going home)
6. Weekend activities
(WARNING: usually the same every weekend, so conversation is
cut short..don't rely on this one heavily)
7. Lunch
8. Vacation
9. Happy hour
10. And again...the Weather.
(You can never go wrong with the weather)
I hope this was helpful.
Great read. Allow me to add common 'male' replies to the question, "How are you?"
ReplyDelete1. Great.
2. Good, bud.
3. I'm well.
4. Livin' the dream.
5. **shrug of the shoulders** (typically from software developers who have minimal social skills)
6. I'm tired.
Love this dani! SO funny and SO true
ReplyDeletepretty sure this is my favorite blog. And yes the weather is always a go to!!! I work at a dental office so I normally get these two responses to the question, "How is your day going?"
ReplyDelete1. okay...i guess ( freaks!)
2. a whole lot worse now that i am here ( thank you???)