One cloudy day, little boy Fauntleroy arrived on his island, his beloved starfish to be visited while old man moon pulled the tide away from shore, as was his once-a-year custom...

There under the ferry dock, Fauntleroy was greeted by his happy starfish...
Even the grouchy starfish were happy to see their friend again...
Those who hadn't met little boy were curious to see the cause of all the excitement they had heard of all year long...
As Old Man Moon began to ebb the tide, the wisest starfish of them all spoke on behalf of the sea stars and said, "We bid you farewell little boy Fauntleroy, and shall await your return until next year."
Little Boy Fauntleroy beamed at his starfish, clapping at their loveliness, and boarded his ship...
"Until next year," he called back in return and set sail under the cloudy sky once more.
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